小林 恵美子


Patent Attorney, IP Litigation Attorney/Manager of the Trademark Department

  • After graduating the Tokyo Woman's Christian University, Junior College, in Japan, she joined the Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan (now Shinsei Bank). She later worked for a patent firm. She passed the Japanese patent attorney examination and registered as a patent attorney in 2005. She passed the IP Litigation Attorney examination in 2007. In 2017 she received her Master’s degree from the Master program at the graduate school of Chuo University, International Business Transaction Law course. In 2019 and 2020, she was an Examiner for the Japanese Patent Attorneys Examination (Trademark Law). She joined our firm in June 2021 after working as an instructor for a correspondence course at the law faculty of Chuo University. She is the manager of our Trademark Department. She specializes in trademarks.
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